The Bony King Of Nowhere

support: Ivy Falls
Festival van de gelijkheid, Democrazy & VIERNULVIER
  • Thu 12.12
    19:30 - 22:15
    Club Wintercircus, Gent
  • Fri 13.12
    19:30 - 22:15
    Club Wintercircus, Gent

19:30 - Doors open 
20:15 - Ivy Falls
21:15 - The Bony King of Nowhere

The albums of The Bony King of Nowhere always emerge from an urgent "now" in Bram Vanparys' life. He then pours these into a collection of songs, just as his great examples Nick Cave, Mark Hollis and PJ Harvey do.

In 2018, he released 'Silent Days,' an album that was showered with starred reviews and awarded an MIA. This success was followed by the corona period and a creative drought that would last two years, resulting in persistent self-doubt. A difficult point in the career of an artist who never wants to repeat himself. The need to reinvent himself after the success of 'Silent Days' was greater than ever, but the road to a new sound was long and at times grueling. The result: 'Everybody Knows,' still the sixth album from The Bony King of Nowhere.

an artist who never wants to repeat himself

Musically, Everybody Knows builds on the break with the past that Silent Days already was. Whereas the previous record was a deeply personal account, on this album Vanparys turns his gaze outward. Newspaper, TV, social media are sources of inspiration. With this album, Vanparys wants to convey his personal view of society in the full knowledge that it is only an opinion in a world that is incredibly busy, complex and layered. First single "Are You Still Alive" testifies to this message, singing about the impact of social media on happiness and connection.