Rosie Sommers


Rosie Sommers lived and wor­ked for 2 years in Volksroom, an off-spa­ce for per­for­man­ce art in Anderlecht. She gra­du­a­ted from Drama KASK (Ghent) in 2018 and fol­lo­wed a Master’s degree in cho­re­o­grap­hy at ISAC (Brussels). She is acti­ve in the Brussels music sce­ne through her girl-band Forsissies. As a per­for­mer, she col­la­bo­ra­ted with Thomas Ryckewaert, Bosse Provoost, Amanda Piña, Phoebe Berglund, Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe, Gaël Santisteva, Nathan Ooms, Anna Franziska Jaeger, Micha Goldberg, Sophia Rodríguez, Tomas Gonzalez and Igor Cardellini. She par­ti­ci­pa­ted in Nightshift at TAZ in sum­mer 2022 in Ostend, whe­re she devel­o­ped the per­for­man­ce 'German Staatstheater' (pre­mie­re February 2024) together with Micha Goldberg and her solo per­for­man­ce 'The Naked Traveller'.