RUISKAMER #4: Pierre Bastien & Casper Van De Velde / Hum.

Support: GAME
  • Wed 12.02
    19:30 - 22:30
    Miry Concertzaal, Gent
    Biezekapelstraat 9, 9000 Gent
    Past event

Seeing Pierre Bastien at work is a real experience in it's own right: this French musician and artist has been building so-called “mechanical sound sculptures” since time immemorial. In other words, he builds complicated machines whose sole purpose is to produce interesting sounds. His oeuvre includes numerous mechano-like constructions that transform, say, a postal scale into a mechanical drum computer to large tables on which are attached plastic bottles that are rhythmically drained and blown full of compressed air. Pierre invariably drags his constructions onto a stage and gives mesmerizing performances with them.

During this edition of Ruiskamer, he will be assisted in by Casper Van De Velde - the percussionist you undoubtedly know from SCHNTZL, among others. In their collaboration On a Tuesday and a Wednesday - released on Ghent's Blickwinkel label - they combine Bastien's machines with Van De Velde's detailed percussion. The result is an album full of wondrous rhythms and organic sounds, created during a residency at Werkplaats Walter, Brussels.

pakweg een postweegschaal als drumcomputer


Hum. is the project of Berlinde Deman and Mirko Banovic, born from their collaboration at Flat Earth Society. With serpent, bass guitar, and electronics, they create a unique soundscape of slowly unfolding melodies and subtle tension. Their music balances between silence and tension, with each note feeling both fragile and charged. The debut album is released digitally on December 15th by Mokuhi Sonorities, followed by a cassette release in January.