Davi Pontes & Wallace Ferreira

Repertório N.3
  • Tue 15.10
    20:00 - 20:40
    Minardschouwburg, Gent
    Romain Deconinckplein 2
  • Wed 16.10
    20:00 - 20:40
    Minardschouwburg, Gent
    Romain Deconinckplein 2

Anti-colonial dance as resistance against the oppression of Black bodies

How can violence be depicted without endorsing it? Davi Pontes and Wallace Ferreira lead a trilogy that resists physical, imaginary, and epistemological violence. The third and final part, 'Repertoire N.3,' is a fiery critique of the structural oppression faced by Black bodies.

With references to martial arts and capoeira, Pontes and Ferreira challenge the status quo and offer an alternative vision of a world where Black lives are finally recognized and honored. They break stereotypes about violence and show how marginalized groups experience the world.

Be captivated by an anti-colonial choreography that pushes the boundaries of modern dance and paves a path to a future where equality and dignity take precedence.

Thrilling encounter

Choreography and performance: Davi Pontes & Wallace Ferreira - Management and Distribution: Something Great - Co-commissioned by: 35th São Paulo Biennial – Choreographies of the Impossible; Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain - Supported by: ImPulsTanz - Vienna International Dance Festival; Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain; Tanzhaus NRW;  Kondenz Festival; La Becque.