Charlie De Keersmaecker

Mickael Karkousse

Support: Piffy

exacte timtings tba

20:00 - Deuren
20:30 - Aanvang 

Two years after the release of his debut EP "Where Do We Begin," Mickael Karkousse is all set to break through. Although it might be a bit weird to talk about a breakthrough with a musician who has more than 20 years and 6 records under his belt as frontman of GOOSE, still one of the biggest Belgian acts of the last millennium.

Karkousse took time in recent years to carefully craft his solo project, scraping and polishing a new, unique sound. If the EP 'Where do we begin' released in 2021 was meandering, poppy nostalgia trip with nod to the '80s, the debut album 'Hello' is a different matter.

Mickael teamed up with producer Victor Le Masne, whose DNA inevitably takes them more in the direction of French pop à la AIR and Daft Punk - complete with hopping bass lines, vocoders and strings. Combine that with the typical rousing build-up of songs that GOOSE made it's reputation with, and you get a finger-licking good album.

deze instant-belpopclassic staat garant voor een feestje

Do us a favor and listen to the first (instrumental) single 'HELLO', you'll understand immediately that this instant-belpop classic guarantees a party in the ballroom on Feb. 10 and a series of exploding festival tents next summer.


Support: Piffy

Piffy is not a popstar. She’s the mother of bats and the daughter of beats, writes smooth melodies and bangs big kicks. The perfect music to dance and cry to at the same time. Though she believes a piffer is someone that feels as hard and cares as much as she does. A piffer has the mind of a nerd and the eyes of a child, the ability to be an expressive introvert or an awkward entertainer with clumsy limbs that go places.

Piffy is artist in residence at Trix (Antwerp) where she played the aftershow for Caroline Polachek in february ‘23. This was followed by a show in Het Bos (Antwerp) at an event of radio station 'We Are Various'. After a break of a few months she is now writing with various artists and is planning a first release soon. In 2022 she played at Sardien, Overlast Antwerp and Het Clubhuis (NL), a creative space that is part of Welcome to the Village festival in Leeuwarden.