Killers of the flower moon

Martin Scorsese
Film Fest Gent
  • Sat 14.10
    19:00 - 22:30
    206' - 2023 - Crime, Drama - Taal: Sioux, English

1920s, Oklahoma. Osage Nation, fortuned by the discovery of large oil deposits, is plagued by white opportunists bent on money and power. Manipulation, exploitation, even murder, the newcomers do everything they can to steal as much money as possible and to sow a reign of terror. In his latest crime opus, Oscar winner and master chronicler Martin Scorsese zooms in on a forgotten and shameful page in American history during the last convulsion of the Old West. The director based his epic on David Grann's bestseller of the same name, which meticulously described how this killing spree led to the birth of the FBI. At the centre of this brutal and patient masterpiece about the darkest corners of human corruption are Mollie (Lily Gladstone) and her white husband Ernest (Leonardo DiCaprio), who willingly allows himself to be drawn into the criminal web of his vile uncle, played by Robert De Niro. With Killers of the Flower Moon, a pitch-black and revisionist western tragedy, one of the greatest living filmmakers proves that his monumental oeuvre is quietly reaching the zenith of the seventh art.