DE ARENA #1: jongeren & criminaliteit

gasten: Vincent Van Quickenborne & Arno Van Overberghe

Explore the nuanced world of justice

Punishing young people: how do we deal with it? Let's find out during the first edition of our new debate series DE ARENA, without being distracted by the often polarising media. 

We focus specifically on young people and criminality. When is a punishment punishment enough? What is the point of imprisonment? What is the state of our prison policy? Featured: the Reuzegomdrama, the right to association and free speech. Permanent panel members are international criminal lawyer Walter Van Steenbrugge and entrepreneur Yasmien Naciri.

They will be joined by Minister of Justice Vincent Van Quickenborne and Arno Van Overberghe of student association Umoja Gent, an organisation dedicated to the togetherness and visibility of Ghent students who are part of the African diaspora.

Lisbeth Imbo will moderate. Welcome to THE ARENA! You be the judge.

DE ARENA is een relaxed performance. Dat betekent dat het zaallicht niet helemaal wordt gedoofd, mensen de zaal vrij in en uit kunnen en het publiek geluid en beweging kan en mag maken.