Is de juridische strijd tegen drugs een verloren zaak?

Explore the nuanced world of justice

How might we as a society introduce more nuance to the debate surrounding how we respond to crime and conflict? We aim to find out in our new debate series THE ARENA – and without being distracted by the often polarising media. 

Our regular panellists for this five-part series are international criminal lawyer Walter Van Steenbrugge and entrepreneur Yasmien Naciri. They will dive into the fascinating world of justice, joined by two new guests each time. For each topic we will also take a brief look at the current state of affairs.

Lisbeth Imbo will moderate. Welcome to THE ARENA! You be the judge.

DE ARENA is een relaxed performance. Dat betekent dat het zaallicht niet helemaal wordt gedoofd, mensen de zaal vrij in en uit kunnen en het publiek geluid en beweging kan en mag maken.