DEEWEE, Lippstick DJ's, Lieselot Siddiki & Pol Heyvaert

'Countdown' - Closing Party GIF
  • Sat 20.04
    22:00 - 04:00
    De Vooruit - Concertzaal

A whole night of images, dance, performance and music with a countdown clock as master of ceremonies

We're ending GIF with style! Building on CAMPO’s legen­da­ry Sound of C par­ties with the Lippstick dj’s, VIERNULVIER’s Concert hall will be trans­for­med into a quirky uni­ver­se with enchan­ting acts from not (yet) men­ti­o­ned guests. Master of cere­mo­nies for a who­le night of ima­ges, dan­ce, per­for­man­ce and music will be a count­down clock. Countdown will be a uni­que and ambi­tious trip desig­ned and scrip­ted by Stephen & David Dewaele (DEEWEE) Lieselot Siddiki (Nacht­zwem­men, Up Your Ass), Lies Vanborm (Lippstick, VIERNULVIER) & Pol Heyvaert (CAMPO).

Let the count­down begin!