Jobs, interns & volunteers

Diverse team

The diversity of activities at our Arts Centre is also reflected in our team. We have six main departments representing a highly extensive range of functions. Over 80 permanent employees are responsible for VIERNULVIER’s day-to-day activities. 


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Would you like to be an intern at VIERNULVIER? Every season we employ a number of students on an internship basis. Send your C.V. together with a motivation letter and a specific project proposal to

We’re looking for motivated, culture-savvy interns to work together with us on a number of projects over the course of the coming VIERNULVIER season (focus weeks, target group activities, participation, ticketing, distribution, CRM, etc.). A love for all that goes on at VIERNULVIER, good writing skills, a burning passion and a good dose of initiative are plus points for any candidate.

To guarantee a meaningful learning experience, we only consider candidates who are able to take on an internship of at least three months. Every internship application should be accompanied by a crystal-clear project proposal or at least with the mention of a number of specific areas of interest around which the internship would be based.


Unfortunately this section is currently only available in dutch.