Koenraad Tinel

Boekvoorstelling 'Scheisseimer'
VIERNULVIER + Uitgeverij Oogachtend

Illustrated memories of a child to collaborator parents in WWII

In 2009, Ghent illustrator and sculptor Koenraad Tinel (1934) finally shared a story he had been keeping inside for over 60 years. The 240 impassioned drawings from ‘Scheisseimer’ depict the artist’s experience of World War II as a child of collaborator parents. This visual account – full of darkness and compassion, heartbreaking experiences and devastating disillusionment – became an unexpected landmark work.

Fourteen years after that first edition, the publisher Oogachtend is now releasing a reworked version of ‘Scheisseimer’, characterised by encounters and friendships, new insights and memories. At the book launch, Tinel will talk about all this with Phara de Aguirre.